Solving the Mysterious Case of SSR Not Working on Azure App Service
Image by Keahilani -

Solving the Mysterious Case of SSR Not Working on Azure App Service

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Have you ever felt like you’ve finally cracked the code, only to have your Server-Side Rendering (SSR) working perfectly on your local machine, but refusing to cooperate on Azure App Service? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll embark on a thrilling adventure to identify and conquer the culprits behind this frustrating phenomenon. Buckle up, folks, and let’s dive in!

Understanding Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

SSR is a technique used to pre-render web pages on the server, allowing for faster page loads, improved SEO, and enhanced user experience. It’s a crucial feature in modern web development, especially when using frameworks like Next.js, Angular Universal, or Vue.js.

The Problem: SSR Works Locally but Not on Azure App Service

You’ve poured your heart and soul into building an amazing application, and SSR is working like a charm on your local machine. But, when you deploy it to Azure App Service, everything seems to work except – you guessed it – SSR! You’ve checked and rechecked your code, but nothing seems to be the problem. What’s going on?

Possible Culprits Behind the Issue

Don’t worry; we’re about to debug this mystery together! Let’s examine some common culprits that might be causing SSR to malfunction on Azure App Service:

  • Incorrect Azure App Service Configuration: Azure App Service has specific settings that need to be configured correctly for SSR to work. We’ll explore these settings in detail later.
  • Missing or Incorrect Dependencies: Are you missing critical dependencies or using outdated versions? We’ll review the essential packages required for SSR.
  • Code Errors or Incompatibilities: A single code error or incompatibility can bring SSR to its knees. We’ll discuss common pitfalls to watch out for.
  • Azure App Service Environment Variables: Environment variables play a crucial role in SSR. Are you setting them correctly? We’ll cover this in detail.
  • Server-Side Rendering Configuration: Is your SSR configuration correct? We’ll delve into the world of SSR configuration files and explore common gotchas.

Azure App Service Configuration for SSR

To get SSR working on Azure App Service, you need to configure it correctly. Here are the essential settings to review:

Setting Description
WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION Ensure this is set to the correct Node.js version (e.g., 14.17.0)
WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE Set to 1 to enable running from a package (e.g., ZIP or TAR)
SCM_REPOSITORY_PATH Specify the path to your repository (e.g., /home/site/repository)
SCM_USE_LIB GIT Set to 1 to enable LibGit2 (required for SSR)

Dependency Check: Are You Missing Something?

Verify that you have the necessary dependencies installed and up-to-date. For Next.js, for example, you’ll need:

npm install next react react-dom

For Angular Universal, you’ll need:

npm install @angular/universal @angular/platform-server

And for Vue.js, you’ll require:

npm install vue vue-server-renderer

Code Errors or Incompatibilities: Debugging 101

Review your code for any errors or incompatibilities that might be causing SSR to fail. Some common mistakes include:


Environment Variables: The SSR Game-Changer

Environment variables play a vital role in SSR. Ensure you’re setting them correctly in your Azure App Service:


Server-Side Rendering Configuration: The Final Piece

Review your SSR configuration files (e.g., next.config.js, angular.json, or vue.config.js) to ensure they’re correct and compatible with Azure App Service. Pay attention to:


Conclusion: Solving the SSR Enigma

We’ve explored the most common culprits behind SSR not working on Azure App Service. By reviewing your Azure App Service configuration, dependencies, code, environment variables, and SSR configuration, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue. Remember to:

  1. Verify Azure App Service configuration settings
  2. Check dependencies and versions
  3. Debug code errors and incompatibilities
  4. Set environment variables correctly
  5. Review and adjust SSR configuration files

With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the mysterious case of SSR not working on Azure App Service. Happy debugging!

Bonus Tip: Troubleshooting Azure App Service Logs

If you’re still stuck, examine the Azure App Service logs to identify any errors or issues. You can do this by:

az webapp log tail --name  --resource-group 

Replace `` and `` with your actual Azure App Service details.

By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the SSR issue and enjoy the benefits of fast, SEO-friendly, and user-centric web applications on Azure App Service.

Happy coding, and remember: with great power comes great responsibility!

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Frequently Asked Question

Get to the bottom of the mystery of why your app works locally but not on Azure App Service!

What could be the reason behind my app working locally but not on Azure App Service, especially with SSR?

One possibility is that your app is using a file system or environment variables that are not supported or configured correctly on Azure App Service. Double-check your app’s dependencies and make sure they are compatible with Azure App Service.

Could it be a configuration issue on Azure App Service?

Yes, it’s possible. Check your Azure App Service configuration, especially the settings for Server-Side Rendering (SSR). Ensure that the Web.config or azurewebsite.config files are correctly configured to handle SSR. You might need to add or modify settings for Node.js, NPM, or other dependencies.

Is it possible that my app is using an incompatible version of Node.js or dependencies?

That’s a great point! Azure App Service might be using a different version of Node.js or dependencies than your local environment. Check the Azure App Service settings to ensure that the correct versions are being used. You can also try specifying the exact version of Node.js and dependencies in your package.json file.

Could my app’s code be the culprit?

It’s possible that your app’s code is not compatible with Azure App Service or SSR. Review your code to ensure that it’s written to work with Azure App Service’s constraints. Check for any hard-coded file paths, environment variables, or other assumptions that might not hold true in the Azure App Service environment.

What are some troubleshooting steps I can take to identify the issue?

Try debugging your app using Azure App Service’s built-in debugging tools, such as App Service Editor or Debugger. Enable logging and check the logs for any errors or warnings. You can also test your app in a staging environment or use Azure App Service’s rollback feature to test different versions of your app.

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