Monitoring WiFi Changes in the Background on iOS: The Ultimate Guide
Image by Keahilani -

Monitoring WiFi Changes in the Background on iOS: The Ultimate Guide

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As an iOS developer, you’ve likely encountered the challenge of monitoring WiFi changes in the background. Whether you’re building an app that requires a stable internet connection or need to track WiFi connectivity for analytics purposes, staying on top of WiFi changes is crucial. But, have you wondered if there’s a reliable way to do so on iOS? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of WiFi monitoring on iOS and explore the best methods to track WiFi changes in the background.

Understanding WiFi Monitoring on iOS

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s quickly cover the basics. On iOS, WiFi monitoring is restricted due to security and power consumption concerns. Apple has implemented various limitations to prevent apps from running indefinitely in the background, which can drain the battery. However, there are ways to work around these limitations and achieve reliable WiFi monitoring.

Captive Network Assistant (CNA)

The Captive Network Assistant (CNA) is a built-in iOS feature that helps users access public WiFi networks. When a device connects to a network, the CNA checks if the network requires authentication or has other restrictions. While the CNA is primarily designed for public WiFi, we can repurpose it for our WiFi monitoring needs.

import SystemConfiguration.CaptiveNetwork

// Get the current WiFi network
let currentNetwork = CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(nil)

// Check if the network changed
if let changedNetwork = CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(nil) {
    // Process the network change
    print("Network changed to: \(changedNetwork)")

This code snippet uses the CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo function to retrieve the current WiFi network. By storing the previous network information and comparing it to the new information, we can detect changes in the WiFi network.

Reachability API

The Reachability API is a more comprehensive approach to monitoring WiFi changes. It allows your app to detect changes in network reachability, including WiFi, cellular, and other connections.

import SystemConfiguration

// Create a reachability object
let reachability = SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithName(nil, "")

// Set up a notification to monitor reachability changes
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "reachabilityChanged:", name: SCNetworkReachabilityChangedNotification, object: reachability)

// Start monitoring reachability
SCNetworkReachabilityScheduleWithRunLoop(reachability, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), CFRunLoopModeDefault)

This code sets up a reachability object and registers for notifications when the network reachability changes. The reachabilityChanged function will be called whenever the network changes, allowing you to respond accordingly.

WiFi Scanner API

The WiFi Scanner API, introduced in iOS 14, provides a more precise way to detect WiFi changes. This API allows your app to scan for nearby WiFi networks and detect changes in the WiFi environment.

import Network

// Create a WiFi scanner
let scanner = WiFiScanner()

// Start scanning for WiFi networks

// Process the scan results
scanner.results.forEach { network in
    print("Found network: \(network)")

// Set up a notification to monitor WiFi changes
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(wifiChanged), name: .WiFiScannerDidDetectChanges, object: scanner)

This code creates a WiFi scanner and starts scanning for nearby networks. The results are processed, and a notification is set up to detect changes in the WiFi environment.

Background Execution and WiFi Monitoring

To monitor WiFi changes in the background, your app needs to request background execution. You can do this by adding the UIBackgroundModes key to your app’s Info.plist file.


This snippet adds the “fetch” background mode to your app, allowing it to run periodically in the background. You can then use this time to check for WiFi changes and respond accordingly.

Best Practices for WiFi Monitoring on iOS

1. Handle WiFi Changes in the Foreground

When possible, handle WiFi changes in the foreground to ensure a seamless user experience.

2. Use a Combination of Monitoring Methods

Combine the CNA, Reachability API, and WiFi Scanner API to achieve robust WiFi monitoring.

3. Optimize Your App’s Power Consumption

Use power-efficient techniques, such as batching network requests, to minimize power consumption when monitoring WiFi changes in the background.

4. Test Thoroughly

Test your app on various iOS versions and devices to ensure WiFi monitoring works reliably across different environments.


Monitoring WiFi changes in the background on iOS can be a complex task, but by leveraging the right APIs and following best practices, you can achieve reliable WiFi monitoring. Remember to handle WiFi changes in the foreground when possible, combine monitoring methods, optimize power consumption, and test thoroughly. With these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to building an app that seamlessly adapts to WiFi changes.


Q: Can I monitor WiFi changes in the background without requesting background execution?

A: No, iOS restricts background execution to conserve battery life. You must request background execution to monitor WiFi changes in the background.

Q: How often can I check for WiFi changes in the background?

A: The frequency of WiFi checks in the background depends on your app’s background execution schedule. You can use the UIBackgroundFetchResult API to request more frequent or less frequent executions.

Q: Can I use these methods to monitor cellular network changes as well?

A: Yes, the Reachability API and WiFi Scanner API can be used to monitor cellular network changes in addition to WiFi changes.

API Description iOS Version
Captive Network Assistant (CNA) Monitors public WiFi networks iOS 6 and later
Reachability API Monitors network reachability iOS 2 and later
WiFi Scanner API Scans for nearby WiFi networks iOS 14 and later

Note: The table provides a brief overview of the APIs discussed in this article, including their description, iOS version support, and limitations.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, monitoring WiFi changes in the background on iOS requires a deep understanding of the underlying APIs and best practices. By combining the CNA, Reachability API, and WiFi Scanner API, and following the strategies outlined in this article, you can build an app that seamlessly adapts to WiFi changes. Remember to test thoroughly and optimize your app’s power consumption to ensure a reliable and efficient WiFi monitoring experience.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of dealing with unstable WiFi connections on your iOS device? Want to know if there’s a reliable way to monitor WiFi changes in the background? Look no further! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to help you navigate the world of iOS WiFi monitoring.

Q1: Is it possible to monitor WiFi changes in the background on iOS?

Yes, it is possible to monitor WiFi changes in the background on iOS using various APIs and frameworks. The Core Location and Core SDK frameworks provide functions to detect WiFi changes and notify your app accordingly. Additionally, you can use third-party libraries like Reachability.swift to monitor WiFi connectivity.

Q2: How do I detect WiFi changes in the background on iOS using Swift?

To detect WiFi changes in the background on iOS using Swift, you can use the Core Location framework’s CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol. Implement the locationManager(_:didFailWithError:) method to detect errors, and the locationManager(_:didUpdateLocations:) method to detect changes in WiFi connectivity. You can also use third-party libraries like Reachability.swift to simplify the process.

Q3: Can I use the Reachability library to monitor WiFi changes on iOS?

Yes, you can use the Reachability.swift library to monitor WiFi changes on iOS. This library provides an easy-to-use API to detect changes in WiFi connectivity, including when the device connects to a new network or loses connectivity. It’s a popular and reliable solution for WiFi monitoring on iOS.

Q4: Will my app be rejected by Apple if I use a WiFi monitoring API?

No, your app will not be rejected by Apple solely for using a WiFi monitoring API. However, you must ensure that your app complies with Apple’s guidelines and only uses the API for legitimate purposes. You should also provide a clear explanation of how your app uses WiFi monitoring in its App Store description and in-app documentation.

Q5: Are there any limitations to monitoring WiFi changes on iOS?

Yes, there are limitations to monitoring WiFi changes on iOS. For example, the Core Location framework may not provide accurate WiFi information in certain scenarios, such as when the device is in airplane mode. Additionally, some WiFi networks may not provide the necessary information for your app to detect changes. Be sure to test your app thoroughly to ensure it works as expected in different scenarios.